Intentional Cognitive Friction
The sweetness and delights of the resting-place are in proportion to the pain endured on the Journey. Only when you suffer the pangs and tribulations of exile will you truly enjoy your homecoming. (The Mathnawi of Jalaluddin Rumi – Book 3) John Johnston started to talk about ‘clunky-ness’ in technology as a way into digital […]
The art of just watching
According to Cornelis Verhoeven, a Dutch philosopher, action-orientation is the belief in the necessity of activity alongside the rejection of passivity. Action oriented people believe that it is better to do something than wait passively for action to emerge from a given situation. Loafing is regarded by these ‘activistische ideologen en moralisten’ (activist ideologues and […]
The still web recycles
The Daily Stillness has now been going for 6 months! When it launched at the end of July last year it was an experiment and we did not know how long we would keep it going or if a short daily practice to find stillness and attention in the midst of a busy life could […]
Holding the tension of opposites
Silence and creativity
The creative thinking process requires the silent pause. After a first phase of thinking about a new idea I need some rest, I need incubation time. I often imagine the unconscious mind continues pondering during my silent incubation time. The brain and our intuition needs silence. Intuition has a very tiny voice. You cannot hear it unless […]
Wisdom from a still place
Click in the middle of the image below to start, keep clicking on the arrow on the right hand side to move to a new frame. You can find one more story at Zeega.com