Animated Gif by @mdvfunes CCBY
Animated Gif by @mdvfunes CCBY

The Daily Stillness has now been going for 6 months!

When it launched at the end of July last year it was an experiment and we did not know how long we would keep it going or if a short daily practice to find stillness and attention in the midst of a busy life could work as intended. We only have a few regular users and some of my students from last year still visit at times. As I am running the Mindful Communication course again this semester, we have decided to keep it going until we can celebrate a birthday, at least! We want a Daily Stillness Cake!

One thing that has bothered me about the Daily Template we are using is that we keep generating a new daily practice each day. It seems to me that, in the context of the Still Web at least, to fan the fad of feeding our seeking addiction with a new practice each day is one way we are not enacting what we describe: the need to be still as well as in motion.

Part of the ethos of the Still Web is to stay with ‘the old’ and learn from it, as well as enjoying ‘the new’. The practices we explore in the Daily Stillness are intended to be done each day, not to be done once and thrown away.

Enter the Daily Recycler: See the little icon? ‘Recycle’ this daily stillness!


Alan Levine, my co-pilot here at the Still Web, listens well and likes tinkering with WordPress. He made me a recycler so that I can run the same or similar dailies as I see fit. I love that little button. It speaks to the point of practice being just that: to practise. Any one of the daily practices can be done regularly and cannot be deepened with just one try, so we will recycle a few from now on. This will also achieve a practical aim: sometimes I am just unable to think of a new practice! The recycler is an aid in those moments of writer’s block, I can always adapt an ‘old’ one.

Philosophically I am happy too. The Still Web recycles, takes time with ideas and deepens them in repetition. Deep learning as well as surfing the web for ideas. Thank you, Alan (aka @cogdog).

Source: Wikimedia Commons

4 thoughts on “The still web recycles

  1. Hi Mariana,
    I think this is a great idea. The daily stillness is usually the first thing I read in the morning. I don’t respond publicly very often, but I do think about them a fair bit. Sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I write something and delete it. Repetition will allow folk to revisit and reconsider missed prompts.

  2. I was surprised and not by how many you have created already, Recycling was a great idea; it also adds a way to see more responses to the same prompt.

    Sorry it took me so long to build it in– thanks for being my beta tester, and I can now roll it into the Daily Blank theme.

    Stillness is #4life? #4stillness?

    1. Also love the fact I can preview an ‘old’ one and then still have a recycle button at the top to Recycle without going back to the dashboard to select it! You can only recycle once? I tried recycling twice and it did not link. But so cool as an example of how technology can enact ideas…#stillness is #4life indeed!

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